Saturday, November 6, 2010

What to do when you forget your gmail account password?

What to do when you forget your gmail account password?

Note :-This method is only possible if you still know your security question.
It also requires that you havent logged into your account for atleast 24 hours.

1.Go to and enter click on "forgot password" option below the password box.
2.You will be taken to a step by step by guide page.
3.Select the "I fotgot my password" Option.
4.Your gmail Id will be asked.
5.A verification code will be shown and you will have to enter it in the given box.
6.You will be taken to the security question page where the security question you chose during siging up will be asked.
7.Since you remember your security question, type in the answer into the answer box.
8.A new window in which you can enter a new password will be shown to you.
9.Enter a new password which you like and possibly wont forget into the "New password" box.
10.Confirm the password in the "Confirm password" box and you have your new password Set.

Hope I could help you

Friday, November 5, 2010

How to change your password in gmail?

How to change your password in gmail?

1.Sign into your current gamil account.
2.Then go to the address
3.Now on the top right corner you can see your email id being displayed.
4.By the email id`s side you can see an option called "settings".
5.Click on settings.
6.Now you are being taken to another page where you can see the option "change password.
7.Click on the  "change password" option and then type your current password in the 1st box.
8.Type your new password in the 2nd box and confirm it in the 3rd box.
9.You can also use the security question to confirm yourself.
10.When a message "your settings have been saved" is displayed above the screen, you can know that you have successfully changed your gamil account password.

Hope I could help.